Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 131 Apprenticeship Program & Advanced Journeyman Training
The United Association prides itself in providing the best training available anywhere in the the plumbing, pipefitting, steamfitting, and HVACR industries. Local Union 131 has established a training facility on the premises in the lower levels of the union hall building. APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMLocal Union 131's apprenticeship program is a 5-year working regimen of classroom study and on-the-job training. During the training, apprentices attended classes in the LU131 training facility a few evenings a week. During the day apprentices are hired by our signatory contractors to work side by side with highly-skilled journeymen. Apprentices receive yearly rate increases and basic benefits after the first six months in the program. The training is of no cost to the apprentice so long as they become a member of Local Union 131, pay their monthly membership dues and complete the 5 year program. Aprrentices must, however, sign a contract agreeing to reimburse the program for any portion of the training they have receive if they fail to complete the 5 years for any reason. Application season is January 1st through April 30th each year. (Due to Covid impact, the deadline is extended to May 31 for year 2022) Applications are then reviewed by the committee with interviews generally conducted in May. The program for newly accepted apprentices starts in September. For an application form, click "Join the UA! in the blue banner at the top of the page. ADVANCED JOURNEYMAN TRAINING Keeping current on advances in the industry is a top priority of the Union. Many classes are offered to help our members maintain the highest skill levels possible. Regular re-certification of welding skills, OSHA courses, Med Gas and many other courses are offered. Annual plumbing seminars are also held quarterly, which are open to non-members. For more information, contact:Jesse Torosian, Training Coordinator Office: (603) 669-7516 Cell: (603) 315-2269
Page Last Updated: Apr 27, 2022 (07:56:32)